It’s already inside of you.

“I could be happier...more successful if...”

When you dabble in fixing yourself...

What you’re doing wrong...

This is lower consciousness.

Allow the energy that IS YOU to transform things.

You don’t need to become anything.

Don’t force or work really hard. It should come easily.

Don’t become attached to the outcome.

Living in mastery means there is no lack, no limitation. It’s just that simple.

Not knowing where it’ll lead, and being ok with that.

Not comparing your life, your needs, your worth to anyone else.

Not allowing others to influence you by telling you “You need what I have, and I can give it to you if you just do this...”

How does “I already have it all inside of me” feel VS “I need to change, I need to do, I need to become, I need to pay someone else to teach me...”

It’s always been a pet peeve of mine to see how complicated people make spiritual mastery out to be. What they want you to think is required of you. What they try and sell you.

Not wanting or needing anything at all, you have everything.


What is your definition of “A great day”?
