September Email
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I hope this message finds you and your family well!
Autumn reminds us to be present. Days become shorter, as the air cools. We become more aware of, and adaptable to change. As the leaves transform and fall, autumn illustrates the beauty of letting go.
Back to School = Tension
With school starting, parents have been experiencing elevated stress levels, so it’s important to incorporate some quality down time for yourselves. (Even if you’re NOT a parent, this message still includes you.) Whether it’s massage, exercise, meditation, journaling, etc. Whatever creates the most presence, by getting you out of your head for a while.
Wellness with Mallory Motivation
I’ve been focusing on journaling and self care. Taking my time to enjoy each moment. Surrounding myself with the highest vibes as often as I can. Reminding myself where I am and what I’m doing, rather than living on auto-pilot.
I have a horoscope app called Co-star. It breaks down your day as well as explaining how you can navigate through individual aspects of life. Whether you believe in astrology or not, you’re able to gain insight on things often overlooked about yourself just by comparing the information to how you’re feeling. If you’re not interested in this app, there are plenty of others to choose from. I decided to use the app as a writing prompt. Every day, I read each section, and then journal what I believe the message is and how I can incorporate it into my daily routine.
Writing can feel difficult if you’re not sure what to write about, or you’re having trouble allowing the feelings to surface. I believe this app is a great tool to get you started.
Remember, how good does it feel to cross all of the items off of your grocery list? Think of journaling as the mental version!
My FIRST article has been published!
I’ve been working with EPIC Magazine since COVID began. They’re a wellness and lifestyle publication here in CT. I was invited to write an article back in the spring. During this time, I wasn’t sure what message I wanted to deliver, so I waited for the inspiration to surface naturally. When it did, I knew it had to be something foundational…and so “Real Life Wellness” was born. Here is the link. I really hope you enjoy it, and would love your feedback!
Speaking of EPIC, I also sat down with Samantha, for a 2nd “Inner-view”.
If you missed the first one, you can find it here:
Have you seen my Amazon Store?
Since Amazon is so well known and trusted, I have partnered with them as an affiliate. This means I am able to create a collection of my favorites making it easy (and affordable) for you to find products I recommend. The link to my site is
Favorite Product Alert!
You can find the massage gun I use in my sessions here:
Kindly note: Content creators participating in the Amazon Influencer Program earn affiliate commissions from Amazon for qualifying purchases.
Something to think about
Connecting with nature: “Nature’s peace will flow into you as the sunshine flows into the trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves”.
John Muir